'Amanda' the little dolphin Amanda, unlike you or I Was a little dolphin, who had no tie To a house and family in one street Confining you and to whom you meet. Her home was on the ocean tide Far away, on the other side. It was a happy time for her dolphin clan As the destiny of man began For the world in which they swam free Was the vast expanse of the seventh sea. On its shores, no man had reached The sand was white, that the sun had bleached And off the beach the loud surf cursed As it crossed the reef, as time rehearsed. |
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The coral reef was their domain That all around the palm trees framed. In this place, where the sun shone free And the water was clear, as the eye could see They lived and played without a trace Of the greedy hand of the human race. Time passed without a care In the ocean harvest, all could share Its cycle of life soon betrayed In a shimmering, silver shape displayed The teeming fish, were a seething mass The larger fish could all harass. Feeding time was so much fun When all the family, worked as one Rounding the churning schools as tight As the shining moon, in the sky by night. Each in turn, they all would dart Into that orb, that burst apart Snapping here, snapping there As little fish rushed everywhere. |
3. Overhead, the birds joined in Flocks of them, made so much din Diving down from great height And slapping the water, with delight Then flapping back into the air For the frantic fish, it wasn't fair. Deeper down, in the water's gloom A shadow lurked, as dark as doom. Aware of danger lingering there The old dolphins warned, Beware! But they did not fear the threatening shape Within the school, was their escape. So close inshore, Amanda played Among the living reef, arrayed In colours of the universe The coral forms were so diverse Laid in bundles, bunched up tight While others swayed towards the light. Some with branches, Oh! so long Wafted, rhythmic as a song. |
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4. Among this symphony of space Was so much life, and so much grace In colour, form and majestic flight It all enhanced that magic sight. Above this world, the sunshine glazed The surface, which the waves erased And yet, the mirrored glow broke through In rays that bathed the scene below. Suspended in those shafts of light Hung countless demoiselles, so bright Sparkling in the jewelled sea Above the gay anemone. This, was Amanda's special place And time spent here, just seemed to race Her Mother's call, not far away Was usually why she couldn't stay. |
5. Amanda grew, and the school moved out And stayed at sea, for weeks about On the ocean range, the waves grew rough And the young ones soon had seen enough But even in the foam flecked sea The dolphin clan, were masterly. They dived through waves, as high as ships And surfed down troughs, into the rips. Soon, they all were having fun But Mandy, always noticed one A strong young buck, who had no fear And raced them all by flying clear. As she watched, her spirits soared While all around the ocean roared. |
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6. She learned this dolphin's name was Chuck But matching him took more than luck. She tried so hard, to stay abreast But fell behind, just like the rest. Reluctantly, she settled down When she saw nearby, her Mother frown. So Mandy nursed her wounded pride And swam off, by her Mother's side. On calmer days, the school relaxed But their patience very soon was taxed. So swimming fast, up from the deep High in the humid air they'd leap Spinning once, spinning twice That show-off Chuck, could do it thrice. |
7. In this way, the days elapsed And life went on, till the next moon waxed. While cruising on one moonlit night A strange new creature, hove in sight This behemoth belched, thick, black, smoke That hung behind it, like a cloak. Its sharp nose, cut the surface, clean And pushed out waves, along its beam. The dolphins, watched the ship change pace And all at once, agreed to chase This giant, from the other world That steamed along, with wake unfurled. They overtook, by swimming fast And in the moonlight, very soon were past |
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8. They heard the heavy engine drum And the wind, that made the rigging hum Around the ship, they swam astride Into the big bow wave, to glide Throwing out fluorescent light Like shooting stars, but twice as bright. All was not as it might seem Of this monster, that appeared a dream. A relic, of that fateful night Was waiting randomly, the plight Of anything that ventured near And who tried to pass, the veil of fear. Strung for miles, across their path A drift-net hung, an aftermath. |
9. The presence of this living tomb Left a universal sense of doom For the many species that it met Were tangled, in the ghostly net. The awful spectre that it made Enticed the dolphins, though afraid To venture close and take a look But some, in that eerie light, mistook The cords which neatly overlapped And so alas, they too were trapped. Amanda pondered, like the rest What tragic power was here possesed Though caution and a sense of fear Prompted her to stay well clear. As she searched for a reason, Why? From nearby, came a frantic cry. She rushed towards the plaintive call That came from in that dreadful wall To find her Mother, struggling there And she tried to help her reach the air. |
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Although they fought the captive rope Of freedom, there was little hope. The net held mother tightly clenched And Mandy's flipper, twice was wrenched. She heard a surface drum rotate And saw the massive net vibrate. Without heeding Mother's plea It slowly hauled her, from the sea. Tormented, Mandy thrashed around As she felt her injured flipper pound. Mortal anguish and despair Were the reasons that she lingered there. Alone then, in that awful place Of comfort, there was little trace And as if fate could have dealt worse She sensed the presence of a curse. |
11. The menacing shadow, always near With the trouble, ventured to appear. She felt the icy water rush And saw just off, the cold jaws crush A victim of that dreadful snare Swallowed down, with one sharp tear. Amanda's terror now was real The creature looked for another meal. A little dolphin, alone and ill! The shark homed in, for an easy kill. The ugly jaws, lined razor white Opened, for a savage bite But as those fearful teeth gaped wide She lunged desperately, aside. |
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12. With panic, Mandy loudly squealed As the large grey shadow slowly wheeled And while the evil eye looked back It launched itself, on a new attack. No longer at her Mother's side Amanda had no place to hide. Resigned to a gruesome fate She closed her eyes, the end to wait. In darkness and with death so near The faint alarm, was hard to hear A single challenge, Could it be? Came surging, through the lonely sea. Amanda dared a furtive glance At once, felt all her nerve end dance A champion to her cause Stormed into view, without a pause. |
13. Intent upon it's easy meal The shark made no attempt to heel And so Chuck struck it, with such force He knocked the monster off its course. Amanda knew that Chuck was brave But could he match that horrid knave? And would he really overcome The creature that weighed half a ton? Although the dolphin buck was strong The shark at least, was twice as long. It's anger showed at being foiled An easy dinner, had been spoiled. In awe, Amanda watched the wrath That turned the churning sea to froth And as the giant monster writhed From side to side, his razors scythed. |
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In and out, the dolphin dashed And from every point, harassed. But even though he was so fast The uneven duel just couldn't last And as the great mouth open slashed The dolphin's dorsal fin was gashed. Now his strength was wearing out And soon, it would become a rout. Just as it seemed that all was lost And Chuck had fought, at such a cost Suddenly, in a burst of sound A cavalcade came bearing down. The dolphins, rallied from their plight Came charging in, to join the fight. From every side they rammed the shark As it sank slowly back, into the dark In death, it finally rolled free And drifted ... to eternity. |
15. The victory, though a great relief Did little to console her grief. Amanda, who was now alone Faced a world she'd never known. But while she followed, quite bereft The school of dolphin that were left Her champion, who had given proof She found no longer, was aloof. Instead of racing far away Chuck seemed quite content to stay And when they worked the schools of fish He helped her, catch the choicest dish. She knew his interest wasn't feigned And the sadness deep inside her waned. Day by day, her memory blurred While in her heart, new feelings stirred. Despite her boyfriend's ugly scar To Mandy, Chuck was best by far. |
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16. As life resumed its carefree plot Instinct told her, she must not Continue playing until the dawn As soon, her baby would be born. She waited quietly for the time Her happiness, by now sublime And finally, she gave birth The cutest dolphin, on all the earth. Amanda's baby was a trick And tried to splash her, with a flick. No matter how she tried to tease The dolphins with her, were at ease. Amanda showed her baby where She'd spent her youth, without a care. Together, they explored the reef A sheltered world, beyond belief. |
17. As Chuck watched his daughter grow He taught her things that she should know. He tried concealing how he felt Whenever discipline was dealt. Although he always looked quite stern And sometimes, would be very firm Amanda always knew that he Was in every way, as proud as she. This story tells of Nature's part In the making of this world, an art. Only when man interferes Trouble all around appears. Like everywhere that the sky turns black With smoke and smog, from the chimney stack And the stains that filter through the sea All products of his lethargy. |
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18. Like every time that man pretends The dolphins are his special friends We see more fishermen encroach In the oceans, with their nets to poach. They indiscriminately snatch With no concern for what they catch. Perhaps its time to be more fair And try a little more, to share Before the list that's been compiled Of the living things, that we've defiled Becomes the portent of our fate Approaching at alarming rate. So, if the clock could be turned back To put this world of ours on track Would we have time, to be aware Of this fragile planet, in our care? Or, if we had a second chance To come back, for another dance What creature would you rather be? A little dolphin ... Naturally! Rodd Sherwin © |
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