OF DROUGHT AND FLOODING RAIN For several years this Queensland Was gripped by widespread drought As one by one our storage dams All gradually dried out. Now Joseph long ago explained Pharaoh's most perplexing dreams That weather runs in cycles Seven yearly, so it seems! Still every season cyclones Are tracked along our shore The weathermen keep us aware Of what might lie in store And Brisbane folk will often tell Of what happened once before When Cyclone Wanda funnelled down And settled at our door. The River City flooded An unprecedented sight In a magnitude unbounded Water reached a record height And so they built the Wivenhoe A flood mitigation dam To flood proof greater Brisbane - At least - That was their plan! But nature won't be thwarted By the meagre mind of man To think, perhaps, we ever might Maintain the upper hand. So for years we blamed El Nino For those endless sunburned days Until the southern oscillation turned To the farmers loud Ole's. |
2 At last, now all predicted For seven years, refreshing rain To nourish a parched, now arid land To compensate past pain. Alas! - La Nina strengthened A vast monsoonal trough And almost unexpected Demonstrated Nature's wrath. For forty days and forty nights It seemed the rain fell down Across the breadth of Queensland Flooded many a country town. The Water Board, undecided Were clearly in some doubt On the catchment there, at Wivenhoe Should they let more water out? Trouble first was manifest At Toowoomba, perched on its Range When a cloudburst opened overhead From the drought, a poor exchange. The drains and City watercourse With the deluge, could not cope Confined within the urban lines It welled on up the slope. The muddy torrent thundered down The quiet suburban streets Collecting cars and debris Anything that it should meet All piled up at the corners Ground up by the violent flow And for anyone who wondered Where would all this water go? |
3 The turgid foaming water fell Unrelenting, on its downward path Smashed through the town of Withcott - You've seen the aftermath! The folk had little warning Before shelter they could seek It surged over the escarpment And raged down Murphy's Creek. Down the Lockyer Valley Grantham soon bore the brunt Of the wave of sullied waters That spread wide a fearsome front. Some scrambled onto rooftops And stayed both night and day While many houses in its path Were cruelly swept away. The rain fell unabated Across the hills and Brisbane plain And the plans to flood proof Brisbane Appeared to be in vain. The flood gates of Great Wivenhoe Were by now all opened wide A new torrent boiled its way downstream To join the swelling tide. The creeks and river systems Had long since burst their banks And flowed first into Ipswich Through suburban lower ranks. It reached the Civic Centre As the murky water pulsed And in our oldest city All low buildings were engulfed. |
4 The populace of Brisbane now In lower reaches were resigned For an inundation even higher Now a peak had been defined. There is no further need though For these scenes to be relayed As every television channel Sent them graphically displayed. So all the World bore witness To Brisbane's darkest hour So much was slowly swallowed By the River's swollen power. The flood has since subsided And the threat, for now, has passed Bitter memories and the heartache, though We know for years will last. Queensland must now recover And face the huge financial cost A consideration unbecoming In the light of many lives they lost And those who mourn their loved ones Leave a tribute and remain To pass a benediction For now to ease their pain. Throughout the reconstruction Plan well, that we might gain Some insight from harsh lessons So they might not have died in vain. For be not disillusioned It could happen all again Through our Country's endless cycle Of drought and flooding rain. © Rodd Sherwin |