Have you ever wondered, what time is spent On red tape and the rules of parliament Or how the chimes of the controlling clock Our ordered lives just seem to mock? Have you ever dream't, if we just might Be governed none other, than by day and night? Well I know a place, Nature's fruits abound And the simple things in life are found. Although it seems a world apart From the hectic pace of the Cities' heart Time is of little consequence On the course of life's daily events For in this world you must forego The material things that we have come to know But of natural gifts its well endowed Far, far away from the maddening crowd. So now, I'll try to set the scene Of a life you city folk, can only dream. |
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2. Transport your thoughts to tropic climes To a place where the sun almost always shines And there, through the eyes of a village youth Imagine, you were there in truth. Tokani, was a proud young man His features firm had a burnished tan. He lived with his people, in a land serene Where their tribal lives had no routine. In this village scene, all the surroundings could Be a part of their daily livelihood. Their houses, raised above the ground Were built on a clear and well kept mound. Arranged in lines, randomly matched All were neat and newly thatched. Not one of them, could you call grand But the outlook from their spit of land In fact, if I was reticent In a word, would call magnificent! |
3. To the East, the ground gave way To a pristine beach on an ocean bay. On its furthest shore, a mirage strange danced underneath a mountain range. Walking barefoot along that beach On sand as white as sunburned bleach Tokani came to the rocky end Where the neck of land began to bend And there a reef stretched to the North As the tide surged over, back and forth. To the West, a wide lagoon Mirrors the light of a tropic moon. Small islands line the Northern rim Where white surf foams, at the ocean's whim. On the other side, without pride of place A mangrove stand is no disgrace For where the jungle meets the sea The mangroves are the hub of the ecology. They have their purpose, while at the back Grow the sago palms, they call sac sac. |
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4. Of course these swamp palms are of use And the village people can produce from the stems, a beaten staple starch While the thatch they use is their leafy arch. From the nearby bush flows a crystal stream That allows the sunlight to intervene And the little isthmus, at its mouth Joins the mainland, just to the South. There the trees grow majestically At the fringe of the forest canopy. A hand unseen can orchestrate To make this world reverberate For when the birds begin to sing And the cicada's echoes loudly ring The rolling tones of the pounding sea Lend percussion to the symphony And the tinkling of the little stream Flows in harmony with the subtle theme. By day, the set has been described For these works by Nature improvised But when the sunlight leaves the sky Come the fairy lights of the firefly. |
5. Tokani's people had cleared walking paths That joined their gardens and the water baths So through the bush they could move about regain their bearings, when in doubt. The livestock that the tribe maintained Also wandered unrestrained Chickens, pigs and the family pets All shared their food and accoutrements. In fact, all they needed of their daily toil Was the bush, the sea and the fertile soil. So what of life's daily chores In this land of Nature's providors? Well, it fell upon the women's lot To maintain their agricultural plot. Men built houses and garden palisades That prevented the pigs from making raids. Tokani though, he liked to fish For seafood was their staple dish. The craft with which he plied the sea Were lined on the bank of the estuary. |
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6. Just recently he'd help select A tree most suited in this respect. In the shade, he watched a craftsman hew At the log, as he fashioned a fine canoe. Tokani marvelled at his skill Shaping the hull to its builder's will. He was content to watch and patiently wait The canoe would be his to initiate. Around Tokani, village children played While palm trees over their playground swayed. By these gracefull palms, providing shade The agile children usually stayed. They could scurry up to the dizzy top To pluck the coconuts and let them drop. From the green nuts, that sometimes burst They drank the milk, to quench their thirst And the mature nuts, they had learned to husk Satisfied their hunger, until dusk. |
7. In the tropic heat, they knew no shame The naked children engaged in a lively game. On one hand, came their sounds of mirth As they frolicked in the foaming surf. The limb of a large tree, spread abroard Over the water, served as a diving board. The village nestled in between So their antics, never went unseen And come evening, eating by the fire They grew tired and ready to retire. At night, while the little children slept Their brothers around the fireside crept And listened intent, to the men relate Affairs of their world, from some bygone date. The stories, as the night progressed From the facts most blatantly digressed As from the effect of its narcotic balm They chewed the nut of the betel palm And retold the tales that will never die Of their spirit world ... and the Masalai. |
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8. There were times, when they sought to interact With the people outside of their forest tract And the message sent, was not on foot But by the booming beat of the garamut. The social event, was planned for days A sing-sing, set in their traditional ways. As the nominated date approached The young ones in the dance were coached And when the tasks, had all been shared For the ceremonial dance they all prepared. As the setting sun began to fade Throbbed a kundu beat, from a forest glade. Torchlights flickered through the trees And the chanting grew on the evening breeze. Weird shadows cast along the track By the eerie masks, and their features black. Into the clearing, with great effect Burst a procession of warriors, all bedecked And the children screeched, in mock dismay As the painted figures pranced their way. |
9. All the village seemed to hum And to greet their neighbours, began to drum. Both groups moved to the rhythmic beat And the feathers bobbed with their dancing feet. Tokani soon spied a pretty face Whose body moved with an easy grace. Her eyes and smile were sparkling bright And her skin shone gold in the firelight. He danced as if she would be his prize ... Or so he began to fantasize. Soon after, at the mu-mu feast Tokani sought to meet her, but at least He learned she was young and free And that by name, she was called Hani. He noticed how she liked to flirt The way she bobbed her cute grass skirt. He vainly tried to single out Her presence, from the men about But when he judged, there was no chance Reluctantly rejoined the dance. |
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10. They woke next morning, to a loud affray Which concerned a pig, that had gone astray And the man who stood as the one accused At the charge, was hurt and quite bemused For at that time, no one could tell That a creature from the brink of Hell Had strayed ashore, one stormy night As if their peaceful lives to spite. It had settled in their swamp, to dwell And watched, like Satan's sentinel. But Tokani's mind was on lighter things And he followed Hani to the village springs. He planned for this day, her heart to woo And his recent fantasies pursue. But no matter how hard he tried to please He saw only her laughing brown eyes tease. His ardent vows, she simply ignored and played with her dog, as Tokani implored. |
11. The day was hot, but the water so cool She enticed her dog to a favourite pool. Along its bank, they quietly walked With no idea, they were being stalked. So as deemed by fate, Hani dived in And to the deepest part, began to swim She called to her dog, for as yet unseen Lurked the giant reptilian submarine. Left as he was, with his jilted pride Tokani had stayed in the bush to hide. Thinking how his life had lost its plot In an instant, he was rooted to the spot For echoing down the jungle stream Came the strains of Hani's deathly scream. Down the tangled track he raced And along her familiar footsteps traced. Although he wished his foreboding wrong Both Hani ... and her dog, were gone. |
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12. From the signs he found, it was Oh! ..so clear As to what had caused her to disappear. And while he continued the search, in vain Thoughts of vengeance, eased his pain. In his mind he devised the plot reversed To kill the predator, that held them cursed. So, without the consent of the elder men He stole a pig, from the village pen And with the largest net, slung across his back He struggled resolute, back down the track. The hapless pig, was soon staked out At the place he'd heard her fearful shout And overhead, the net he strung From the branches there, which overhung And now that the hour was growing late He climbed aloft and began to wait. The leaves whispered in the wind, fireflies twinkled Clouds sheltered the moon and light rain sprinkled The night sounds coaxed his eyelids closed And as the hours slipped by, he quietly dozed. |
13. He never knew by what sixth sense He woke alert, his body tense Or what was the innate, ethereal sign That had caused the shiver to run down his spine For in the dark, the silence screamed And the jungle all around him steamed. Just as the moonlight pierced the cloud And the light mist, hanging in a shroud Reflected back, came the red eye glow That burnt like coal from the pool below. From his lonely branch, Tokani peered In the water, the menacing red eyes leered As coldly they surveyed the ground The creature moved, without a sound. He heard from the bank, the soft mud sucked As giant feet, from its surface plucked And it seemed as if the fetid air Had followed from some squalid lair. As the hulk emerged in stark relief He stared in awe and disbelief And wished the precarious perch he'd found At least, ten feet more above the ground. |
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14. Overhead, the young hunter froze As below him, the mighty reptile rose. Across the path swayed it's sure advance That held Tokani in a morbid trance. The tethered pig, now caught the scent And it's squeals could rent the firmament. The cries were stifled by one loud crunch As the powerful jaws, began to munch They jerked the net, that he had hung And the trap was set, and neatly sprung. Although the plan was well prepared It was not designed for the beast it snared. No sooner had the mesh pulled taught The monster sensed it's body caught And the earth exploded, in a swirling rage Unleashed upon that narrow stage. The tether post in the ground, though stout Soon violently, was shaken out But the rope was tied at the other end To the branch he clung, which began to bend. |
15. All his being, began to quake As the supple limb threatened to break. Below, the awesome reptile thrashed When on top, the bough and young man crashed In the midst of a deadly barrel roll Tokani fought, for his life and soul. As the massive tail, whipped and whacked From one fearful blow, his thigh bone cracked And his last thought, as his senses paled Was the foolish, impetuous scheme had failed. The wild commotion at the creek Aroused the village, from its sleep And once, they all were wide awake The men ventured to investigate. At the water's edge, in mud and dirt They found Tokani, lying quite inert. When they ascertained he wasn't dead From the bush, they formed a make-shift bed And on the litter, they carried him To be nursed by the men of medicine. |
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From his broken frame, a spark of life Throbbed from the legacy of recent strife. Mingled through the fog and pain Wafted thoughts of loss, chagrin and shame He had ignored the words of heads more wise And that nearly caused his own demise For hours, he languished in this state With no will left to recouperate. In a mist he dreamt of the girl he mourned And his dream, by a silken voice adorned. The spectre seemed so very real That her vibrant presence, he could feel He struggled now, with new resolve His fear, that the vision would dissolve. A fever, made his thoughts rotate And in his mind, he seemed to hallucinate. Only as he woke, could she re-assure And with her large, adoring eyes allure. |
17. When his mind, at last, became more clear He listened in wonder, so as to hear Of Hani's ordeal, which began to unfold As slowly, the gripping tale was told. When her dog was taken by the beast She'd struck out wildly, to the East Clawing her way through the sago stand And the barbed fronds that barred dry land. By the time she reached the other side Raked by thorns and petrified She realised, that the one way back Ran the awful risk of a new attack. For two whole days, she hid in fear Of the monster, lurking to her rear. Yet all was well, as it came about Or so she found, when she ventured out. Of the giant crocodile, there was no sign It had vanished, as if by some strange design And although not dead, it had in fact Removed, to some far off habitat. Tokani, self esteem restored Found his courage, had been its own reward Although Hani, had always seemed to taunt Her affections, she tried hard to flaunt. |
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18. Its from such exploits, that legends start And from other tales are set apart So as the years past by them flew By the telling, Tokani's reputation grew. The village held him in such high esteem They made him a chief of the tribal team. He now walked with a limp and had grizzled hair But he and Hani, made a handsome pair And no matter how they stretched the truth They were both extolled, as living proof. Now although this story may be marred And its peaceful subject, somewhat scarred Remember, that just one event Was blamed on the part of the Devil sent. For Tokani surely didn't fret Nor that twist of fate, would he forget. Although the circumstances, had been strange That caused his life to rearrange Yet he and Hani, lived content As one, with their environment. Rodd Sherwin © |
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